Thursday 7 November 2013

Eye C U

Two of my most used beauty products are black liquid eye-liner and mascara. These products are great for creating a simple but striking look and if I was forced to only ever wear two items of make-up, these would be the products I would choose.

Over the years I have stuck to Rimmel's Glam' Eyes Professional Liquid Liner which although has a very thin brush, is still fairly easy to use. It is good if you want to play around with your eyeliner thickness and how winged you want your eye-make up to be and at a very reasonable cost, its a key product for creating day to night looks.

           Rimmel London - Glam'Eyes Professional Liquid Liner in Black Glamour - £5.29

Max Factor's False Lash Effect Mascara is a staple in many girls make-up bags and it really  'does what it says on the tin' which is to create full lashes that can be mistaken for false lashes (minus all the faff of glue!). This mascara has been a favourite of mine for many years now and although its not the cheapest of high-street mascaras out there, I feel it is well worth the price as it creates thick but not clumpy lashes with just a few easy strokes. Having tried some other brands, I always find myself going back to this mascara and it really is a firm favourite of mine!

                         Max Factor False Lash Effect Mascara in Black - £10.99

Have you tried these products? What are your staple eye make-up items? :) Xx

Friday 1 November 2013

Keeping Close and Drifting Apart

The transition of leaving university and moving back home is a funny one. You get used to the freedom and independence of living away from home and doing what you want, when you want. When I first moved back home after graduating I wondered how and if I would get used to living with my parents again but as time has gone on its not so strange to feel 17 again! (plus my parents are very relaxed and more like friends rather than of a nagging or strict nature - thankfully!). 

The hardest part of leaving university is not being able to see your friends so easily but I really like to think its true when people say you will make some of your life-long friends at uni (my dad has managed to keep in close contact with some of his uni friends even without the beautiful wonder that is modern technology - so that gives me some hope I can do the same!)

It should be easier than ever to keep in contact with others now that mobile phones and social media sites are used by so many people but it is still inevitable that you will drift apart from people you were once quite chummy with. This is a natural part of life but I think that making the effort to keep in contact with old friends (whether from school, uni, work etc.) really makes the difference between someone being part of your everyday thoughts and someone existing as just a memory.

We can all think of people we were once fairly close with but no longer are and it can make you feel a tad guilty that maybe you didn't make enough effort to stay in touch. Of course this process is a two way thing - that person is probably thinking the same thing about themselves from time to time!

Maybe part of the problem in this modern era is we feel we are keeping in touch with people as we see what they are up to on sites such as Facebook and Twitter yet we may not have had an actual conversation with them for weeks, months, maybe years! Sadly our culture seems to have got lazier.

Do you feel it is too easy to rely on social media sites to catch up on what people are up to rather than keep in contact the old fashioned way? Xx